Intelligent scheduling
solutions for today's work place
Solving workspace scheduling challenges
TeamAgenda Group Scheduler & Resource
The most precious resource you have
is the time of your people. Time is money. Where are they? What
are they doing? Are they overloaded? Are they available? Are they
sick? Are they on vacation?
TeamAgenda helps you answer these questions
and many more, without a lot of effort and expense on your part.
Our easy to use solutions allow organizations
across many industries to better manage their people and their facilities.
It is used in Medical and health care organizations. Marketing and
communication companies, Public and private schools and universities,
Non-profit and government organizations and more...
TeamAgenda is a real-time, cross-platform,
powerful and easy to use group scheduler and resource manager
that allows work groups to coordinate their activities, set up meetings
and optimize their time management.
TeamAgenda software runs on Mac, iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad, Windows PCs and modern browser.
TeamAgenda is currently available in
English, French (français), Swedish (Svensk), German (Deutsch),
and Japanese (
TeamAgenda Software Upgrade
Upgrade your old version of TeamAgenda.
Take advantage of new features and more powerful server functions.
Write to: sales@teamsoft.com
Click this link:
Free 30-Day TeamAgenda Demo
and save the demo to your hard drive, then call us 514-908-7212 and we'll
help you get it up and running. |